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The Atlanta Regional PTC/USER Group invites you for a day of networking, expert discussion, and FREE food!

Join us on October 24th to discuss all things CAD & PLM!

Check out the agenda below:

Time (EDT) Session
8:15 AM Check in, Breakfast and Introductions
8:20 AM CREO Updates with Design Engine
9:10 AM Routed System Usage of Flexible Hoses and Model reuse in different assemblies
10:00 AM PLM and ERP Integration Strategies
10:45 AM PTC License Management and Optimization
11:15 AM Break
11:45 AM Manufacturing Shop Tour
12:30 PM 🍽️ Lunch
1:00 PM CREO Best Practices in Advanced Modeling
2:00 PM Managing Quality and Manufacturing Data in Windchill
3:00 PM Break (ServiceMax Intro)
3:15 PM Laser Cutting, Machining and Robotic Welding with CREO Manufacturing
4:00 PM Using Supplier Management and Parts Classification
4:45 PM 🎉 Wrap up and Giveaways

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