August 7, 2023

Product Development: Digital Engineering Transformation


Digital Engineering Transformation is reshaping product development at an unprecedented pace. Integrating new technologies and methodologies creates opportunities and challenges from conception to manufacturing.

In this post, we’ll explore the critical impact of this transformation on product development, including the integration of hardware and software, the importance of client focus, the evolution of delivery methods, and tips for overcoming tricky challenges that come along with it.

Digital Engineering Transformation in Product Design

Digital engineering transformation is not just about technology; it’s about rethinking business processes. From Agile practices to leveraging AI and machine learning, the field of product development is adapting rapidly to market feedback. The integration of IoT, 3D printing, and rapid prototyping is allowing R&D to become more iterative and responsive. However, this transformation also brings its challenges, requiring a deep understanding of the market landscape, new product development methods, and the complexities of integrating various development streams.

The Evolution of The Market: Three trends are shaping the future of product development

  1. Integration of Hardware and Software: The fusion of these two elements is essential for delivering end-to-end solutions. The growing software content in smart products requires a seamless integration process. New market players are bridging the gap by entering the hardware space, adding value to their software offerings.
  2. Client Focus and Collaboration: Emphasizing customer feedback and mass customization is key. Customers want to connect with products and communities at all stages, requiring seamless integration with digital platforms.
  3. Delivering Consistent Value: Meeting customer expectations for continuous updates and upgrades is vital. The digital age demands a constant stream of new features, made possible by more software and Agile practices.

Adapting Product Delivery Methods

The traditional Waterfall model is giving way to Agile methodologies. The Waterfall model’s sequential phases often create dependencies that slow down time to market and hinder adaptation to unexpected challenges. Agile promotes close client collaboration, cross-functional teams, flexible scope redefinition, iterative development, and continuous improvement. This shift allows companies to respond faster to opportunities and stay competitive.

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Integrating Parallel Development Streams Using Digital Engineering Transformation

Aligning hardware and software development is a complex task. Challenges include differing development times, change flexibility, and planning and budgeting differences. Hardware takes longer to produce, but software development must start sooner and run in parallel. This alignment requires careful planning, supportive tooling, and a significant mindset shift.

The Collaboration Challenge

Smooth collaboration is vital, but challenges like working in silos and legacy tooling can hinder progress. Product engineering teams must run like well-oiled machines, especially in highly regulated industries. Digital engineering transformation requires modern integrated platforms to overcome obstacles like lack of stakeholder buy-in, unclear roles, and prioritizing technical know-how over customer feedback.

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The Right Tooling for Digital Engineering Transformation

Transitioning from legacy tooling to Agile working methods requires the right platform. The choice of tools can make a significant difference in collaboration, productivity, and transparency. From email and spreadsheets to legacy software and modern integrated platforms like PTC Codebeamer, each option has its advantages and disadvantages. The right selection can lead to improved collaboration, productivity, and transparency.

Tap to expand

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Digital Engineering Transformation: Closing Thoughts

Digital engineering transformation is revolutionizing product development, offering growth opportunities, and demanding new ways of working. The right strategies and tools can smooth collaboration and promote Agile practices, setting the stage for success in a fiercely competitive economy.

With our support, we can help companies embrace a digital engineering transformation that can lead to standout products and a revolutionized approach to design, development, and launch! Try a 30-day trial of Codebeamer and start your transformation!

TriStar PLM Solutions welcomes questions. Feel free to CONTACT US if you can’t find what you’re looking for, or call us at 800-800-1714